Transportation and Infrastructure
If it moves, we’re on it.
CHPlanning has decades of experience in transportation and infrastructure projects from pedestrian and bicycle trails to bus and train systems. Call on us to support long term master planning, station design, infrastructure analysis, and outreach to the communities you serve.

DC Vision Zero Public Engagement & Action Plan
The District of Columbia (DC) Vision Zero Public Engagement and Action Plan is a citywide effort to rally agencies, advocates, and residents around the goal of reducing all transportation related fatalities and serious injuries to zero by the year 2024. Named for the original program in Sweden, Vision Zero focuses on more effective use of data, enforcement, education, and engineering as a new approach to transportation safety. Over 30 District agencies led by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) were involved in creating the strategies included in the Vision Zero Action Plan.
Out team provided technical assistance, as well as Stakeholder and public outreach. The goal of public engagement was to bring awareness to residents in all eight wards and visitors of the District, engage youth, get input on unsafe conditions on the transportation network, and create a graphically appealing action plan. The target audience were residents and visitors that walk, wheel, bike, ride transit, drive, park, and take taxis throughout the District. Basically, everyone.

West Cargo Redevelopment Environmental Assessment
Since the 2007 Master Plan, the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) has seen an expansion of cargo demand leading to the need for new and expanded facilities to meet expected demand. The Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluated the environmental, social, and economic impacts of the West Cargo plan.
Our role focused on the Environmental Justice, Social and Economic Impacts, and Children’s Health and Welfare sections along with conducting public outreach in support of the public comment period.

Virginia Railway Express (VRE) Midday Storage Facility
The purpose of the Midday Storage Facility (MSF) project was to replace the current storage space leased from Amtrak at the Ivy City Coach Yard in the District of Columbia. The project includes planning, designing, and constructing a permanent midday storage facility for VRE trains that travel to the District. The proposed facility will be used to store commuter trains on weekdays between the inbound morning commute and the outbound afternoon commute.
Our team led the Public and Stakeholder Engagement, including developing a public participation plan, coordinating meetings with stakeholders and community members, and creating informational materials.